Lyricue 4 Released!

I haven’t gotten around to updating the website in a long time – but be assured that progress is happening 🙂

Lyricue 3.7.2 was the last release of the 3.x series and was released in Feb 2015.

Lyricue 4.0.4 is the first release of the 4.x series and is available in the Ubuntu repository now.

Lyricue 4.x moves lyricue from using the old GTK2 libraries to handle the interface to using GTK3 instead.

At first this doesn’t result in much changing functionally – but with the new libraries will enable new features, simpler behaviour than ever before.

If you have upgraded your system between Ubuntu releases you will need to re-add the repository by running the following in a terminal window.

# sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-debenham/lyricue

After doing this you will be able to upgrade to the new release Lyricue 4.x